Invitation to Join

Dear Prospective Member,

Encouraging you to join our association stems from the belief that the CIBPA is not only capable of doing more for its members - and for the community for which it was created - it has a responsibility to do so.

For more than 60 years, the CIBPA of Hamilton Halton has accomplished many wonderful things and has positively influenced Italian business people and professionals in cities across the country. Our association has become known as the premier organization of its kind, representing the best interests of the Canadian-Italian community while offering countless avenues for business and professional development as well as mentoring opportunities for youth. We are constantly  developing forums that provide valuable services to our members, our community and Canadian society at large.

As the "next generation" of CIBPA Board of Directors considers its leadership mandate over the next several years, our goals will revolve around creating a strong and enduring organizational structure, as well as identifying the tools needed to execute programs and services that turn opportunities into achievements.

Our membership is composed of a broad, vibrant spectrum of significant business and professional members committed to the association and community.  We have a lot to offer, and we are only just beginning our new mandate. Thank you for considering membership in our Association, and I, along with the entire board look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming events.


Sergio Leuzzi

President, CIBPA Hamilton-Halton